Health & Spiritual Benefits Of Bhastrika Pranayama!

Bhastrika Pranayama is a very important pranayama. By this pranayama, the body is made to provide more amount of vital air and similarly more contaminated air (carbon dioxide) is taken out. This results in faster purification of blood and the circulation of blood to various parts of the body are faster. Health & Spiritual benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama are many as it is very helpful in awakening the Kundalini Shakti. 

What Are The Health & Spiritual Benefits Of Bhastrika Pranayama?

Patients with a weak heart and blood pressure should not do this pranayama. So, let’s now know the health & Spiritual benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama in this article below

  • Respiratory activity of Bhastrika pranayama makes the lungs strong and increases their flexibility due to which there is a maximum transmission of oxygen throughout the body and due to the increased heat, organ-afferents are strengthened and healthy. 

  • Bhastrika Pranayama reaches the body as pure as pranayama, the contaminated air (carbon dioxide) is also removed, due to which the contaminated faces inside the body cannot accumulate and the body remains clean and clean.

  • The chemical changes that occur due to the breakdown of cells due to physical exertion, the pranayama entered by Bhastrika pranayama compensates them. 

  • Apart from respirators through Bhastrika pranayama, the inner nerves of the brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, eye, ear, nose, and glands, etc. are also kept clean and clean. As a result of which memory is sharp, brain disorders are removed and the activity of all other organs is increased. 

  • Bhastrika Pranayama accelerates the movement of blood. As a result, the blood reaches the brain's microbe easily. For this reason, the brain gets restless for some time and also gets the benefit of relaxation and becomes refreshed and becomes more active bhastrika pranayama steps

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  • Bhastrika Pranayama establishes control over the nervous system, which makes the nerves strong, as a result of which the face of the practitioner of Pranayama appears bright and happy and his entire personality becomes attractive.


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