The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

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Obesity is a growing epidemic that has affected both adults and children around the world. It is a condition where the fat tissues of the body are more than the required Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30. For instance, a 5 feet, 7 inches tall male and weighs 220 pounds have a BMI of 34 and is considered obese.

Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles are known to lead to obesity. In turn, obesity significantly contributes to risk factors of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory problems, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. However, not everyone is aware that obesity is also the number-one contributor to back pain.

Our spine is responsible for carrying the body's weight. When too much weight is carried, though, the spine can become stressed and overburdened. Over time, built-up pressure on the back can cause serious damage and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, herniated discs, back strain and other sources of excruciating back pain plank dips benefits

Conditions Caused By Obesity

You may try to ignore your weight gain, but you should never dismiss the fact that when you are obese, you may develop conditions leading to back pain. The following are some examples of this.

The spinal disc serves a soft cushion or shock absorber between each vertebra of the spinal column. Because of injury or degeneration due to aging, these discs can swell and rupture resulting in wear and tear. The extra weight in the stomach carried by your spine also leads to the wearing and tearing of the spinal discs, and over time can lead to a herniated disc.

A herniated disc may exhibit symptoms of numbness, muscle spasm, and weakness. Back pain only occurs when the nerve roots and the spinal cord around the vertebrae are pressed and pinched by the protruding disc. Herniated discs can also be a factor as to why a large number of obese people have sciatica, because nerves of the legs are pressed by herniated discs.

Osteoarthritis, otherwise known as arthritis of the spine, is very common in obese people. The load carried by the spine increases the stress on the spinal joints and leads to the breakdown of cartilage. Symptoms may appear not only in the lower back, but also in the weight-bearing joints like in the hands, hips, knees, and neck. Weight loss is recommended, but in extreme cases, joint replacement may be feasible, and of course surgery can bring about risk of other health complications, as well.

Lordosis is the abnormal curving of the lower back. The spine is as one with the pelvis. When it moves forward or back, left or right, or as it rotates, the spine adjusts right along with it. Lordosis is developed when the excess weight carried in the midsection pulls the pelvis forward leading to the tightening and straining of the lower back. People with lordosis may also suffer from tension, immobility, stiffness, and pain in the lumbar area and surrounding affected area.

Benefits of Weight Loss For Back Pain Relief

The obesity epidemic did not happen overnight. Industrialization, modernization, and our sedentary lifestyles have made a tremendous impact to our eating behaviors. With fast food restaurants everywhere, convenient supermarkets, and labor-saving devices, we no longer have to put forth much effort to produce and prepare our foods. Added to those are the high calorie and sugary foods that we love to eat.

Obesity is a result of an energy imbalance where you eat too many calories and do not get enough physical exercise to burn them off. Sadly, being overweight can add strain to the ligaments and muscles of the back. Our spine can become stressed, lose its natural strength, become tilted, or develop an unnatural curvature.

While weight loss can help improve serious health problems, it is also common sense to think that it, too, can relieve back pain. If you are obese now, there are many ways available, such as dieting and exercise, that double its benefit for weight loss and restoring your overall health.

Effective Exercise for Losing Weight And Back Pain Relief

Though, exercise is recommended for all types of back pain, some conditions may need a few modifications, including just the right level of intensity and amount of time needed to do the exercise for safety and rehabilitation purposes. If pain follows your exercise, you may try gentler routines, such as Yoga, Pilates, and back strengthening exercises as an introduction to help condition your back. They may include stretching and low impact aerobic exercises that you can start doing for 15 minutes a day.

To begin with, you can do a standing hamstring stretch. It is a great stretching exercise for your hamstrings and your lower back. You may also do this lying on your back for extreme back pain conditions. Stand tall with your right foot forward just a few inches in front of your left leg. Then, bend your left knee while pulling your abdominals slowly inwards. Next, lean forward perpendicularly aligning your shoulders and arms and rest both palms on your left knee for balance. You may repeat this 8 times both on each leg.

Quadruped Opposite Arm/Leg Raise is also a great back strengthening exercise. For your starting position, you should be on all fours with your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and knees beneath your hips. Make sure back are naturally aligned and core is tight. Then, extend the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right arm until they are aligned with the body. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg and left arm.

Side plank is best for the abdomen, back, and shoulders. It doesn't require much movement, but does require strength and balance to hold the position. Lie at your side for your starting position. Next, lift your body off the ground with your forearm and side of your foot. Hold this position for 8 counts, tighten your core, and relax your shoulders.


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