
Showing posts from August, 2020

Low Level Laser Therapy, What Is It and How Does It Work?

  I have been keenly interested in the healing properties of low level laser therapy (LLLT) commonly referred to as Cold Laser Therapy. I hope this concise discussion encourages patients to discuss the efficacy of LLLT for their condition with their physician  how to increase height after 21 for boys . What is Cold Laser Therapy? Lasers have been used in medicine since the early 1960′s. They were initially used by ophthalmologists as fine precise cutting tools. Laser surgeries soon became commonplace in other medical specialties. Lasers were also used to cauterize wounds and incisions. Some years later in 1968 Endre' Mester experimented with lower powered lasers to see what effect they would have on living cells. Laser frequencies which were low enough so as not to create significant heat, hence the term "Cold Laser". This led to a famous study that showed non-healing or very slow healing ulcers could be healed by exposing them to low (a.k.a. Cold) laser energy. Numerous ...

Tips For Increasing Height

  The soul is beyond the body and hence from this perspective, it is immaterial how tall or short a person is. The true height of a person is his or her character and deeds. Yet, tall height is a natural ambition of humans. I agree that in current context it is partly because of the glamour associated with tall height. If that were the driver for any urge for height increase, the efforts would defeat the purpose. Because the true purpose for height increase should stem from an earnest desire to achieve as much of our potential as we can. A tall height represents complete growth of the body and hence we should endeavor to achieve that complete growth  mayurasana for beginners . Height does vary from person to person as per his or her genetics, climate and other conditions. Thus blanket comparison of height with others is not a right approach. Instead the correct approach should be to keep as healthy as possible to gain complete growth of body. I was born as a medium height chil...

Hatha Yoga Solutions For Your Hips

When we consider Yoga solutions for our hips, we often think in terms of physical tightness, which occurs over time. Our hips are largely ignored until we feel pain in them from excessive sitting, trauma, arthritis, or gradual joint wear. Yet, the hips are also a storage area for stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. Many different Yoga postures work toward releasing tension from within the hips. Due to differences in our body types, alignment, and joint wear, over time, the best postures for one person may not suit another  ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana steps . The posture's level of difficulty is also a consideration. With that said, almost every posture can be modified if a Yoga teacher has the compassion, motivation, and innovation to do so. For students of Yoga, selecting a teacher is a complex choice - especially if a student has a pre-existing health condition. Once the practice of Yoga is taken home, we begin to discover a multitude of techniques, which give us rel...

Health & Spiritual Benefits Of Bhastrika Pranayama!

Bhastrika Pranayama is a very important pranayama. By this pranayama, the body is made to provide more amount of vital air and similarly more contaminated air (carbon dioxide) is taken out. This results in faster purification of blood and the circulation of blood to various parts of the body are faster. Health & Spiritual benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama are many as it is very helpful in awakening the Kundalini Shakti.  What Are The Health & Spiritual Benefits Of Bhastrika Pranayama? Patients with a weak heart and blood pressure should not do this pranayama. So, let’s now know the health & Spiritual benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama in this article below Respiratory activity of Bhastrika pranayama makes the lungs strong and increases their flexibility due to which there is a maximum transmission of oxygen throughout the body and due to the increased heat, organ-afferents are strengthened and healthy.  Bhastrika Pranayama reaches the body as pure as pranayama, the cont...

Vacation in India

If there is paradise on earth it is India and nowhere else. It may sound odd to read this sentence but it is really true if one wishes to relish the entire spectrum of natural beauty, cultural diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, the mouth watering foodscape, it is present in India and you would truly fall in love with this country. There is so much to cherish and still the list goes on and on. India is so because of its varied physical features. Moreover, India is also known as the melting pot of races. India is surely a marvelous destination for you to visit. Whether you are a wildlife lover or a gourmet, an anthropologist or a happy go lucky kind of a person; this place can bring in satisfaction if you tour it  kalaripayattu training . India has had a glorious past and it is a magnet for tourists that come to this country to quench their thirsts related with excursion, enjoyment, freaking-out and a lot more. The great Indian magic is present in all directions of th...

The Potential of Using Yoga For Weight Loss

Let's face it: a lot of people have a severe misunderstanding of yoga. For every one person who knows how effective yoga can be in maintaining a positive outlook, improving posture and digestion, staying in good health, and maintaining a high level energy just to get you through the day, there are probably a dozen skeptics who think it is all just new age baloney  yoga poses for weight loss belly . Maybe we can't convince everybody that yoga is much more than ineffective hippie stuff, but if we can summarize the concept of the traditional yoga culture real quick, it might just be a start. A Brief History of Yoga It's not clear exactly when the practice of Yoga first began in India, but it may have been as early as 3300 BC. There are five major branches in yoga: Raja, Hatha, Jnana, Bhakti and Karma, but Hatha yoga is probably the only one we really need to discuss in relation to health and fitness. Yogi Swatmarama, a fifteenth century Indian sage, developed Hatha yoga as a w...

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

Obesity is a growing epidemic that has affected both adults and children around the world. It is a condition where the fat tissues of the body are more than the required Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30. For instance, a 5 feet, 7 inches tall male and weighs 220 pounds have a BMI of 34 and is considered obese. Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles are known to lead to obesity. In turn, obesity significantly contributes to risk factors of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory problems, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. However, not everyone is aware that obesity is also the number-one contributor to back pain. Our spine is responsible for carrying the body's weight. When too much weight is carried, though, the spine can become stressed and overburdened. Over time, built-up pressure on the back can cause serious damage and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, herniated discs, back strain and other sources of excruciating back pain  plank dips benefit...

Use Yoga For Breast Reduction Techniques

While so many women are out there trying to increase their breast size to look sexy, there are others who suffer from the opposite problem and are looking for breast reduction techniques to make their lives more comfortable. Breasts that are too large can not only be awkward and uncomfortable, but can also make it hard to buy clothes that fit properly. Many women with over-sized breasts also suffer from self esteem issues as a result of the jokes that are made about them. If you are looking for breast reduction techniques, it is a great idea to try out the range of non-invasive methods of reducing breast size. The fact is that breasts are made up entirely of fat tissues, without any muscle at all. This means that reducing weight and toning up can actually make a significant reduction in breast size. Think of all the female athletes you have seen - none of them have large breasts, right? Yoga offers a few great postures that can help tone up the chest region, and these have proven to be...

Yoga for Shoulder Pain - How Can Yoga Relieve Pain in the Shoulders?

The regular practice of Hatha Yoga is a great way to relieve shoulder pain. Pain in the shoulders often comes from the somatic holding of stress and tension in the musculature in that area. Shoulder pain can also develop from the misalignment of the spine and shoulder bones  yoga for flabby arms . Repetitive activities, such as long hours of driving, or working while hunched over a computer console on a daily basis, can contribute greatly to shoulder pain. Additionally, pre-existing ailments and injuries can also cause shoulder pain, which sometimes need surgical intervention. For example: a rotator cuff tear will not heal without surgery, but satisfactory function and reduced pain, might be achieved without surgery. In such a case, therapeutic Hatha Yoga will help; but whatever factors caused the initial tear must be eliminated. If the tear was caused by a required repetitive motion at work, and a person cannot change his or her line of work, then surgery may be a viable option. Y...