Low Level Laser Therapy, What Is It and How Does It Work?
I have been keenly interested in the healing properties of low level laser therapy (LLLT) commonly referred to as Cold Laser Therapy. I hope this concise discussion encourages patients to discuss the efficacy of LLLT for their condition with their physician how to increase height after 21 for boys . What is Cold Laser Therapy? Lasers have been used in medicine since the early 1960′s. They were initially used by ophthalmologists as fine precise cutting tools. Laser surgeries soon became commonplace in other medical specialties. Lasers were also used to cauterize wounds and incisions. Some years later in 1968 Endre' Mester experimented with lower powered lasers to see what effect they would have on living cells. Laser frequencies which were low enough so as not to create significant heat, hence the term "Cold Laser". This led to a famous study that showed non-healing or very slow healing ulcers could be healed by exposing them to low (a.k.a. Cold) laser energy. Numerous ...